Bogart for Windows

The award winning Casablanca Editor software - now for your Windows PC

Bogart for Windows There are no products in this category.


  • Bogart4Win Editions

    Fast and easy editing, growing with your needs. Choose your Bogart for Windows Edition.

  • Bogart4Win Basic Tools

    Expand the basic functions of Bogart for Windows

  • Bogart4Win Audio-FX

    New audio effects and sound samples for the Bogart for Windows audiomix

  • Bogart4Win Video-FX

    Neat hard cuts are the fine art. But for special effects - here are suitable transitions.

  • Bogart4Win Columbus

    Columbus retraces your travel route. Here are the extensions with 3D objects and maps.

  • Bogart4Win Masks-Anims

    Video overlay graphics and animations that can be used with many products.

  • Bogart4Win Creative-Tools

    Too many effects are bad. But in the opening/closing credits, a trailer or in certain situations, good special effects are wonderful.

  • Bogart4Win Titel-FX

    Simple titles are good for many cases. If a video needs more, here are many effects and additional fonts.